The Awareness of Self-Discovery pp. 81 - 85
by William Samuel
Dear Mary,
Concerning fear, listen with your Heart!
The images on the television screen may appear to shake, jump, roll
and crack asunder but their gyrations do not, cannot, do anything to
the screen. Can they?
Our Identity is the screen of life, "within" which the images of
people, things, events, etc., appear, but those events cannot do
anything to this Identity we are no matter how much they quake or
threaten to!
"Seest thou this?" The consciousness that even now reads these words
is the "screen" and the images included within it can do nothing to
it or for it.
So do not be frightened. Words are just words; threats are just
threats, sights are just sights-all powerless. Power ever resides as
God, Reality, Isness which is even now being this awareness-we-are,
this Life.
Reality is in no way self-destructive. The Identity we are is the
very self of Deity-and there is no need for fear. Have we not heard
that "love casts out fears"?
Have we not also heard that "God is love" and that God is all? Isn't
All all? To be frightened is to disavow God's existence-and even a
shadow cannot disavow the substance that produces the shadow. Unless
God is frightened of himself, fear is illusory…
Well, God is not frightened and fear is senseless foolishness,
powerless to bind us. We are not bound by fear, Mary, and you do not
need to act as though you are.
Dear John,
To the point quickly:
I am aware of your fear and the depth of it. Furthermore, I'm aware
of the sundry pictures that present themselves as the causes of fear
and how very real they seem. But I am also aware, whether anyone on
this earth believes me or not, that those appearances do not have
the authority in themselves to cause us to panic. Our fear, like our
grief, is often self-induced self love-unadulterated selfishness
about a separate self that doesn't even exist in Truth.
Does the real Identity agonize? Does the perfect Identity run around
in a panic? It does not!
Then what does? The insidious possessor of the scene! The imposter
who wants everything to he exactly what he thinks it should be.
Is the only Mind in all existence afraid of losing an aspect of Its
own Self-awareness? Is Mind fearful it will forget something Mind
knows Mind to be?
If Mind is not afraid, who is? If you say you are, you have the
wrong you. That's the one to stop playing the role as.
We do not make progress out of strife. It only seems that way
because the strife (fear, consternation, morbid depression and grind
in the belly) is like a dam that blocks the flow of Unfoldment
within (and as) itself.
When the block is lifted momentarily, the accumulation rushes out
into conscious awareness. Only that imposter, who lives the belief
of the block, views his agony as a means of discerning his harmony-
though it surely appears to be the only way we can find it so long
as we are still struggling to be that unenlightened blockhead
striving after a healing.
Right now, right where you are, there is nothing that needs to be
healed! The old nature of us believes there are appearances to belie
this, but if we are going to react to those appearances as if they
were an imperfection, then we do not really believe that God is ALL.
Do we? How ALL is YOUR all?
Come home to your own "feelings" and insist on the "feel" of
equanimity. In truth, we do not "feel" because of the sights and
sounds of awareness; rather, sights and sounds appear as they do
"because" of feeling. Find this sense of peace first. Experience
follows suit.
"Son" is an idea included within consciousness. There are no
diseased ideas. The very one you tangibly see, hear, talk to and
love is seen (heard, felt) within the consciousness presently
reading these words. Consciousness is God's action of
Self-perception and God is quite responsible for all it contains and
for perceiving it perfectly. ~~~~~~~~
We are consciousness (awareness) Itself, not the personal,
responsible, demanding custodian of it. Our happy awakening begins
when we see this gentle fact and begin to end the impossible role of
owner, possessor, director, dictator of awareness.
We should no more attempt to stop thinking than we should attempt to
stop the images on the television screen. What appears as much of
the metaphysician's present agony is the consequence of such
attempts. What do we do instead? We pinpoint the old identity as
director, and give that one the boot. (Imagine how miserable would
be the television screen that attempted to direct the images as they
come and go. The screen's "salvation" comes with its recognition
that its attempts are vainglorious and arrogant, even as is the
belief of an identity who could do such a thing.) Then, recognition
of the whole television set in its singleness dawns and the screen
lets the whole be "responsible."
Dear John, Isness really is perfectly responsible.
Kindest regards from my hills of Alabama,
This work is a positive end of fear and loneliness. You will see!
Awareness lives forever alone as itself and this is not a
loneliness. This is not an existence that misses anything. Rather,
Awareness includes every person, place and "thing" constituting the
tangible universe. We live as solitary awareness and then find
"experience" chock full of non-loneliness, high adventure and things
to do that preclude aught but a constant, sense of peace. After all,
does not consciousness include everything within itself?
Everything!-from the least sandpiper running through the tall reeds
to the Pleiades and every star in every galaxy that exists-from
every sound that has ever been heard to every face that has ever
been glimpsed. Does it not? It does! It does!
Mary, I have news for you: The Identity that aware-ness-being-you is
discovering is Self-satisfied and knows nothing of loneliness. There
is not "another" for you to miss. There is naught to feel but
Sit easy and listen softly to the following: "husband," "family" et
al appeared as images within awareness. Awareness did not put the
images there, nor is Awareness responsible for them. Who did? Who
does? Reality, God, Isness, The Ineffable One, The Single, The Only,
The All. And what are "images"? That which God knows God to be-the
infinite qualities and attributes of Deity.
God still is every quality and attribute God ever "was." This is so!
This is true! And the awareness that presently reads these words is
God's Self-seeing, still seeing God's Selfhood. Awareness is not
experiencing loneliness! |