Excerpt from The Awareness Of Self Discovery
By William Samuel
Gentle Reader, "I" means IDENTITY, not a
suffering, human concept of Self. See these words as your own:
I let go the role of an awakening student.
I end the identification of gendered mortal learning this or that. I
am not a member of the human race, a one among many, working,
striving, struggling, straining, arriving at Truth line upon line,
precept upon precept, here a little, there a little. I am an
identity INFINITELY greater, grander than that, and I am not ashamed
to say so to my world of appearances even when the charges are that
of vaingloriousness and self-deluding insanity.
I take the Divine Awareness of GOD to be
"my" identity. I am THAT. THAT is "me" and I do not hesitate to SAY
so to whomever may be interested.
Furthermore, I live this identification to
the best of my ability, despite the fact this appears to be running
upstream, contrary to the world's way of doing things. And I
maintain this position to the best of my ability, reminding myself
as often as necessary that AWARENESS is the WHO I am, the WHAT I am,
the WHY I am-and that identity is not a human one, not a worldly
one, not a sick, sinning, ignorant or quarreling one but the HOLY
We know what we have found. We know of the
inner peace, the light, love, insight and wonder of Being we have
found Truth to be. The Heart of the one who reads this knows what
the Truth has meant over the years. All the hell-fire and damnation
the "world" can muster cannot efface the Grace we have felt. The
challenges we face, like lions in the Colosseum, may appear to tear
the old nature apart, but all that is torn, or can be, is a concept
that was never real. The Grace of IDENTITY stands untouched,
untroubled, singing....
It has been said that the discernment of
Identity is an uphill struggle but it isn't really. We are what we
are whether it is seen or not and the simple knowledge of this fact
is an immense aid in our discernment. Awareness is our identity and
awareness functioning is ever effortless, ever going about its
business of seeing, hearing, feeling and including thoughts all
within itself just as it is about the business of seeing print on
this page at the moment.
Much of the effort goes out of our daily
affairs the instant we expand our sense of identity from the
body-point from which "things" are observed, to awareness doing the
observing. As this expanded identity the body-point is not excluded
but seen as the central point within an infinite identification that
includes all "body-points" within itself.
This grander identity looks on human
intellectuality and knows that it pertains only to the body-point
and its relationships with all other images. It sees that the
Intelligence beyond intellectuality is its own Self-knowledge of
singleness, aloneness, wholeness, oneness. It sees that
intellectuality can only know Isness indirectly, via qualities and
attributes. But, identified as awareness, we know "God" directly as
god's Self-awareness. As awareness, we know as God knows Himself to
be. We see with the Eye by which we are seen.
So, we live this "child of God" that we are
already, and we live it without effort, without struggle, and most
wonderfully, without inhibitions. You see, this conscious awareness
being "us" is Deity's Self-awareness in action, for which Deity
alone is responsible. The weight of the world is lifted from our
shoulders the instant we stop trying to be something of ourselves-a
human personality, an ego, a phantom big cheese protecting his
family from the outspoken teachings of this one or that one, intent
on healing Perfection when Perfection stands tall and perfect, quite
without need of healing.
To question the wisdom of this utter
discard of personal, ego-responsibility is the natural reflex of the
ego bent on self-preservation at all costs. But, in one way or
another, we are finally brought to gird up the loins and LET God be
the Alone One on the Scene-even as God really IS the all one. Right
here. Right now. Already!